A colonoscopy is a procedure, a visual examination of the entire large intestine or colon. The test is recommended to screen for colorectal cancer, detect problems at an early stage, even before the patient recognizes symptoms. It is also used to look for causes of unexplained changes in bowel habits and to evaluate symptoms like abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, weight loss, diarrhea, and constipation.
Preparation for the procedure involves following certain dietary restrictions and taking a laxative to cleanse the bowel. Thorough cleansing of the entire bowel is essential for effective results so there will not be a need for retesting. Your physician will prescribe the preparation that is appropriate for you and we ask that you follow the physician’s directions to the best of your ability.
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
A flexible sigmoidoscopy is an internal exam where the doctor examines the lining of the lower part of the large intestine, colon. The last portion, just above the rectum, is called the sigmoid colon. The test is basically an abbreviated colonoscopy. It is similar to a colonoscopy in that the patient must prepare by cleaning out the colon.
Upper Endoscopy
Also called an EGD, an upper endoscopy enables the physician to look inside the esophagus, stomach and duodenum (first part of the small intestine). The endoscope uses a thin scope with a light and camera at its tip and is passed through the mouth and down the throat to the esophagus.
Capsule Endoscopy
Small bowel capsule endoscopy involves swallowing a pill-sized miniature camera and light source which will pass naturally through your digestive system while taking pictures of your small intestine. It allows your doctor to view the lining of the middle part of the GI tract, including portions of the small intestine. Images from the inside are transmitted to an external data recorder and the images are then read and interpreted by your physician. The capsule will eventually pass painlessly in your stool.
A capsule endoscopy can search for a cause of bleeding from the small intestine. It may also be useful for detecting polyps, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcers or tumors in the small intestine.
ERCP or Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, is a specialized technique used to study the ducts, or drainage channels, of the gallbladder, liver and pancreas. Gallstones lodged in bile duct can be removed and cancers treated with placement of stents as well as biopsy. It involves the doctor passing a flexible tube (endoscope) through your mouth, esophagus, and stomach into the duodenum, or first portion of the small intestine. This procedure must be performed at a hospital. The doctor then guides a narrow plastic tube through the endoscope and into the ducts. Contrast dye is injected and X-rays are taken.